The USsenal Wedding

The ideal of The USsenal Wedding originated from our favourite soccer team. Nevertheless, our favourite team is definitely Arsenal FC.
Alot of my friends asked me :''Why 'USsenal' and not 'Arsenal', was it a typo error'?
Well, the US in 'USsenal Wedding' stands for the 'two of US' as well as 'Unique & Significant' - which represented the feelings towards our relationship throughout these years.

Most importantly, it represented the club that we both loved so much since our dating days.
Arsenal - always Unique & Significant to the both of US. Cheers (''.)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Orange, Oranje.

As diehard fans of Arsenal FC, there has been some deep orange mist surrounding the club recently. Unless you don't follow English football or if you do and does not have a decoder in your head, you would not be aware what is on the buzz regarding the 'deep' orange fog I was talking about.

By right, it would be first and foremost to post a picture of our captain, Robin Van Persie who hails from Holland, the Oranje deadly finisher, who last season(and also his first full season at the age of 28++) bazookaed 35 goals on route to be the top scorer in the English Premier League. However things have gone badly after a statement by Robin that he wants to leave Arsenal. Enough said, but this case would have me reflecting on my current office situation recently and also closer to my heart, my betta in the above picture.

What is right and what is wrong? Who determines and who has the right to judge? Robin has felt that he wants to win trophies and perhaps to another richer club who can afford much higher wages and also a better chance to win. In his injury plagued seasons, Arsene Wenger has not forsaken him;but went on to support him in all angles and it finally bore fruit last season. However, following that harvest, he has decided that he would be better on in some oil rich soccer club, breaking the hearts of millions of supporters around the world, and not least, shocking his manager and also his team mates who fought together so hard to finish 3rd last season. Fans are angry and could not understand. Arsenal is a strong team that has consistently challenged in the top 4 for 16 years. Tell me, so what even if Arsenal finished trophyless for 6 years? If you do really want to win trophies, which better team than to do it with the very same team which have supported you for so many years? Why jump ship when he could be the one to drive the ship on?

While all the debate can carry on until year 3000, it brings me back to what I have witnessed in my office the past few years. Likewise, turnover in my team is high and I have seen many a time where the team breaks up after having a fine run. People resign, workload gets heavy, morale down and more people leaving after they could no longer take the workload. While the gaffer is always trying to bring fresh faces to the team and build on stability, it is hard when the team members feel that they do not want to wait. They want instant stability, instant comfort, and of course at the same time with better wages.Twice, i myself have nearly been a Van persie, but i felt it a shame to leave just when the gaffer has steadied the ship and the team looks set to have a fine run. However, ultimately, heads are turned and it wasn't long before some called it quits and the game starts all over again.Should I leave then ?When will the ship steady? As a member of the team for 6 years which have not won anything, am I right then to demand a change in club? Will I be seen like Van Persie?

The orange fish above has brought back many nice memories. Kelson,a long time friend gifted that fish while fish hunting show quality fishes in Thailand. I had chosen all my fish for my very first competition but had left 1 more space to fill in. Thinking that the orange fish looks cute, I decided to rope him in, hoping to give him some exposure just like what Roy Hogdson did in bringing Ox to the Euro 2012. However, the fish went on to perform above expectations by winning the first prize of the AOC(All other coloured) category of the Plakat group. Immediately, offers as high as $200.00 was offered to me to buy my fish. It was a very good offer but I turned it down flatly. To me , it was a prized asset and no doubt its form and shape may go down over the months, but I knew that this fish will be prized in any betta lovers' mind whenever they see the picture 5 years later or even 50 years later. Such colour and rarity will deemed it nearly impossible to replicate even if you breed 2 fishes of likeable genes together. Thus, i felt that being the sole owner of this special fish forever is definitely way above $200.00. Call me stupid or anything, that's how i determine value to the fish.

The fish may have passed on a few years ago and by the ongoing saga of another oranje Dutch guy, sometimes i wondered if the fish will be turned like Van Persie if it knows people are willing to offer $200.00 for him and he may demand a transfer to live in probably a bigger tank, a bigger house with richer owners who can afford the best fish food. Well, I may never know but perhaps I think take the same stance as Arsene Wenger.

That's all folks, an orange fish, an orange mist and a team working in the busy office district.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

USsenal's Elizabeth Hotel Suite 1-Night Stay

YES!!!We finally got our Elizabeth Hotel 1-Night stay voucher from Arsenal Singapore.

All THANKS to our beloved family members, friends as well as our beloved and lovely students who voted for us during the Arsenal Singapore <Most Voted FB Arsenal Picture> Contest.

YES!!! We won it with 116 votes in total. (''.)

Our Elizabeth Hotel voucher

Definitely going to plan the stay on a special day; so as to fully enjoy our most meaningful WIN. hehe

Shall keep our friends posted with latest plans & developments.

“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”

G.K. Chesterton

Cheers ^^