The USsenal Wedding

The ideal of The USsenal Wedding originated from our favourite soccer team. Nevertheless, our favourite team is definitely Arsenal FC.
Alot of my friends asked me :''Why 'USsenal' and not 'Arsenal', was it a typo error'?
Well, the US in 'USsenal Wedding' stands for the 'two of US' as well as 'Unique & Significant' - which represented the feelings towards our relationship throughout these years.

Most importantly, it represented the club that we both loved so much since our dating days.
Arsenal - always Unique & Significant to the both of US. Cheers (''.)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

《步步惊心》 凄美动人爱情小说




爱,虽然看似是个单字,里头却包含了许多学问和内容。我深信一个人能看完一百,一千,甚至一百万本书。但是,唯独‘爱’这本百科全书是一辈子都不可能看完的。它的内容和结局有千百万个。 你说,可能用这辈子看完吗?我的‘爱情小说’的结局又会是如何呢?



若曦进入了紫禁城 ,成了一个奉茶宫女。在一次狩猎之旅上,她和胤禩互相之间產生了好感。她希望在接受他的求婚之前能够放弃对皇位的争夺。因为她来自未来,知道胤禩的野心会 最终导致在其皇兄胤禛登基后將他从宗籍撇销,迫其改名「阿其那」,接着身敗名裂,最后在狱中离世。分手之前,若曦警告胤禩要关注他四哥以试图挽救他的命 运。

胤禛决定他必须登上皇位才能保护胤祥和若曦,但他的计划造成康熙不再信任胤禩而转而青睐胤禵。康熙最终因病駕崩,又因为胤禛从隆科多年羹尧处 得到了军事支持,胤禛发动政变,夺取了皇位,成为雍正皇帝。胤禛即位后从狱里释放了胤祥和若曦。然而,若曦的幸福被胤禛的偏执以及胤禩和他同僚们的残酷迫 害徹底毀掉了。她经常陷入胤禛和胤禩的内讧之中。胤禩的的妻子郭络罗•明慧告诉了若曦为什么她的丈夫几年前就开始和胤禛作对。若曦感到震惊,原来她现在怀 着胤禛的孩子,她这才恍然大悟,由于穿越的因果循环她原来才是自己最初想避免这场「九龙夺嫡」悲剧背后的始作俑者。她的绝望导致了孩子流产,而且也弄得她自己身体严重衰弱。

愤怒的胤禛指责胤禩和明慧,将若曦流产和重病的责任推给他们。他下圣旨,迫使胤禩休掉明慧,明慧随后自杀。若曦害怕胤禛对他的兄弟们下毒手,坦白了 她与胤禩之间的过去。但当他了解到胤禩为什么在继位斗争中暗算他时,胤禛被若曦的坦白震撼了。于是,他开始冷淡地对待若曦。若曦无法承受这么大压力,并要 求胤禵帮助她离开皇宫。胤禵后来揭示了先皇康熙帝的诏书,娶若曦为侧福晋、一开始胤禛虽不情愿;然后来在胤禩主动跟胤禛告知其与若曦往日的一段情后,胤禛 终于放弃若曦,最終在康熙遺詔的压力下被迫同意,让若曦离开紫禁城。
尽管胤禵给了她无微不至的关怀,若曦痛苦的内心仍旧深深影响了她的身體,弥留之际,她乞求胤禵寄一封信给胤禛,要求在她去世之前见胤禛最后一次,然 而胤禛和胤禵之间的误解导致了这封信被扔在了一边,而若曦绝笔之信因其收件者落款字迹与胤禛太为相似,胤禵为免无谓之谣言另起,故重新书写一信封、将若曦 的信件放于其中寄出;惟胤禛收到该信后只觉又是胤禵乱语,故命高无忧放置一旁不予理会。但若曦挣扎着继续生存,只为了见到胤禛。三天后,若曦认为胤禛的不 理不睬證明对她的感情已经结束并充满了恼恨,她在悲痛中去世。当若曦去世的消息傳到胤禛的耳朵里时,他万分悲痛,赶到了胤禵的居所。胤禛在到达灵堂后,对 他当初对若曦的行为悔恨不已,但一切都为时已晚。他和胤祥将若曦的骨灰洒在风中,完成她的遗愿,让她自由。

若曦死后,张晓的意识回到2011年, 她在医院里清醒,被医院人员告知她在车祸后昏迷了好几个礼拜。她想知道,在18世纪清朝那段历史二十多年来过去的种种经历到底是真还是假。待身体恢复后, 张晓对康熙皇帝之子和马尔泰•若曦展开了研究,在预料之中,发现历史仍然走在正轨上,可是对若曦没有记录,似乎这个人从来没有存在过。后来她参观了一个清 朝文物博物馆,在一幅畫中发现一个隨侍康熙皇帝身边的侍女竟与她惊人地相似,而且畫中侍女戴的髮簪也是胤禛送她的木兰髮簪,手上戴的,亦是胤禩当初送她的 玉镯。感动之际,一个看起来像胤禛的人走进了展览厅,但他在见了流泪的张晓后却只是问了一句:「我们认识吗?」便离去。当见到他时,张晓的视线跟随着他, 她无法抑制自己的眼泪。当他离去时,百般滋味在心头,现在只有她一个人独自回味与胤禛的过去了。


Saturday, August 18, 2012

A way of Love

The month of August always made me felt loved and blessed. Maybe, it's because of the fact that out of a year, 3/4 of it had passed and soon, it be Christmas soon. The number 8 also gives people a very happy and auspicious feeling; a feeling that we gonna be lucky and fortunate throughout the month.

The season of GIVING & LOVING - CHRISTMAS!!!

Love definitely revolves around this last quarter of the year.

Special Memories, Special Moments, Special Pressies, Special Thoughts as well as the Special One. 

Recently, got hooked up on reading e-stories.

My little beloved Ah Sa gave me a link for e-books and I was so 'glued' to it. Little wonderful and meaningful stories of LOVE... they always makes me think.

Sharing this short story with you guys. I am glad that I can see and whenever I m awake in the morning, I can see the special one beside me.

At times, startling me with his motor snores yet without them, I guess, I really couldn't sleep. hehe

Here the story goes .... ...
A way of Love 
The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane made her way carefully
up the steps.
She paid the driver and, using her hands to feel the location of the seats,
walked down the aisle and found the seat he'd told her was empty. The
n she's settled in, placed her briefcase on her lap and rested her cane against her leg.

It had been a year since Susan became blind. Due to a medical misdiagnosis she had been rendered sightless,
and she was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration and self-pity.
 'How could this have happened to me?' she would plead,
her heart knotted with anger. But no matter how much she cried or ranted or prayed,
she knew the painful truth, her sight was
never going to return. A cloud of depression hung over Susan's once optimistic spirit.
All she had to cling to was her husband Mark.

Mark was an Air Force officer and he loved Susan with all his heart.
When she first lost her sight, he watched her sink into despair and was determined to
help his wife gain the strength she needed to become independent again.
Finally, Susan felt ready to return to her job, but how would she get there?
She used to take the bus, but was now too frightened to get around the city by
herself. Mark volunteered to drive her to work each day, even though they worked at opposite ends of the city.
At first, this comforted Susan and fulfilled
Mark's need to protect his sightless wife who was so insecure about performing the slightest task.
Soon, however Mark realized that this arrangement wasn't  working - it was hectic, and costly.

Susan is going to have to start taking the bus again, he admitted to himself.
But just the thought of mentioning it to her made him cringe.
She was still so fragile, so angry. How would she react? Just as Mark predicted,
Susan was horrified at the idea of taking the bus again.
"I'm blind!" she responded bitterly. "How am I supposed to know where I'm going?
I feel like you're abandoning me."
Mark's heart broke but he knew what had to be done.
He promised Susan that each day he would ride the bus with her until she got the hang of it.
And that is exactly what happened. For two solid weeks, Mark, military uniform and all,
 accompanied Susan to and from work each day.
 He taught her how to rely on her other senses to determine where she was and how to adapt to her new environment.
He helped her befriend the bus drivers who could watch out for her,
and save her a seat. Each morning they made the journey together,
and Mark would take a cab back to his office.

Although this routine was even more costly and exhausting than the previous one,
Mark knew it was only a matter of time before Susan
would be able to ride the bus on her own. Finally, Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip on her own.
Monday morning arrived, and before she left, she threw her
arms around Mark, her temporary bus riding companion, her husband, and her best friend.
Her eyes filled with tears of gratitude for his loyalty,
 his patience, his love. She said good-bye, and for the first time, they went their separate ways.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday....
Each day on her own went perfectly, and Susan had never felt better.

On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. As she was paying for her fare to exit the bus,
the driver said, "Boy, I sure envy you."
Susan wasn't sure if the driver was speaking to her or not. After all,
who on earth would ever envy a blind woman who had struggled just to
find the courage to live for the past year? "Why do you envy me?" The driver responded,
"It must feel so good to be taken care of and protected like you are."
Susan had no idea what the driver was talking about,
"What do you mean?" The driver said, "You know, every morning for the past week,
a fine looking gentleman in a military uniform has
 been standing across the corner watching you when you get off the bus.
He makes sure you cross the street safely and he watches you
until you enter your office building. Then he blows you a kiss,
gives you a little salute and walks away. You are one lucky lady."

Tears of happiness poured down Susan's cheeks. For although she couldn't see him,
she had always felt Mark's presence. She was blessed,
so blessed, for he had given her a gift more powerful than sight,
a gift she didn't need to see to believe - the gift of love that can bring light
where there had been darkness. 
Real LOVE is when you find yourself facing the toughest storm, yet you are still holding hands when you come out. 
Cheers (.'')