The USsenal Wedding

The ideal of The USsenal Wedding originated from our favourite soccer team. Nevertheless, our favourite team is definitely Arsenal FC.
Alot of my friends asked me :''Why 'USsenal' and not 'Arsenal', was it a typo error'?
Well, the US in 'USsenal Wedding' stands for the 'two of US' as well as 'Unique & Significant' - which represented the feelings towards our relationship throughout these years.

Most importantly, it represented the club that we both loved so much since our dating days.
Arsenal - always Unique & Significant to the both of US. Cheers (''.)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Year of Snake to Horse

30th January 2014 
 Last Day of Snake Year, Start of Horse Year

It been a while since I am able to sit down and blog about our USsenal's recent happenings. As stated by Mr Ussenal on his last uploaded blog, you can see that many had happened in the year of Snake. Am I looking forward to the year of Horse.. ...Maybe... Maybe not... ...

I am blessed with many lovely and beautiful happenings in 2013 but I am too heavily 'saddled' like a horse in the coming new year. I missed my family members in Aussie like crazy but tonnes of words could only be kept in my heart. Hubby sick and was home for 2 days but indeed felt helpless as a wife as there's so much lacking in me and I admit, I really am an inattentive wifey. hehe Well, maybe coz my Madam aka MIL is doing all the work. What else can I contribute??? haha

Many asked me this question :''When are you going to have your baby?'' I did pondered and wondered but frankly speaking, definitely not now. Although 'saddled' with heaps and tonnes of duties and workload but deep in my heart, I do love my job scope very much.

These days, I am always sounding like a 'Customer Service Officer' representing my organisation while dealing with really 'Don't know how to describe' parents. After a long day of 'service talk', just the smile of any kiddos in the centre is enough to fuel me through the long day once again. I do really loved kids muchie and loads... .. especially GIRLS. hahahaha

My own child plan will always leads to flashes of my lovely bestie, Swee Swee who will always come to my mind always. After her lovely wedding and her first child, we have never been able to be able to meet up with each another. Been caught up with our own schedule, we missed our meet ups far too many times. However, whenever her face of a contented mother of two to be came to my mind after reviewig her Facebook updates, I will always thank God for allowing her to meet Roy, her cute and joyous hubby - the real one to love my one and only beloved Swee. Still, my own child plan still doesn't seemed to fall in place yet, at least for this Horse Year.

I remembered last year at this time, I am also blogging at this very spot and at this very time as I was awakened by the smell of curry. However, this year, CNY seemed to be abit far too quiet for me and my family. Apart from the reunion dinner we will be having with both Woo's and Chua's family(our very first time together), there is practically nothing red decorations at home(due to demise of Mr USsenal's grandmother recently). However, I am always thankful that God never fails to surprise me with loads of surprises among the group of angels he planted in my life.

Tomorrow happens to be the birthday of my beloved life mentor cum colleague cum pal - Teacher Vanessa's birthday. Nothing fanciful which I am not allowed  to do but I have decided to buy her a cake and to celebrate it with her and with the many children and colleagues whom be there at the centre with us. This is the part I liked and loved about my jobs.. .. whatever we do, no matter where we are, God always plants lovely little angels whom enjoyed birthdays best. They definitely be the one to sing the Happy Birthday Song. hahaha Not me... I still kinda sounds like a froggy(after my 3 weeks of sickness).

Looking forward to tomorrow CNY eve dinner @ Westlake(owned by my hubby's family) and been able to go back to Woo's mansionette, especially with my lovely sister, Woo Pei2 posting happily about her 3 tubs of ice-creams. hehe
Walls?Ben & Jerry or ??? I wonder... ...

 Shall update again when I had my 'FILL' .. .. Westlake & Woo's Mansionette.. .. Here I come!!! hehe

Signed off by Mrs USsenal 

Thursday, January 2, 2014


It has been sometime since an update was given here.

This is now the second day of January 2014.

There have been eventful things which had happened over the remaining 3 months to give 2013 a really kick in the ass type of feeling. Most of the times, people say that your memory gets worse as you age. However, why then do I seemed to be able to remember even better of each passing year's events?

Has time really gotten faster? Did some magnetic field under the Earth propelled time to go faster every year without us actually knowing it? Or does it have to do with ourselves?That we start to be more mature and really understand the 'tiny little stuff' and begin to treasure the really important things around us as the years start to roll.

Just a couple of days after updating in this blog, my Grandma passed away suddenly while eating dinner with my uncle. While it was sudden, the signs that my grandma was in faltering health were there. Weeks prior to her passing, she had fallen and fractured her hand. From the gathering at her deathbed at the hospital to the end of the cremation, there have been tears, eulogies given and also plenty of time reflection for all of us. While I am not very close with my Grandma and memories of her not vivid enough, the passing of her in our Chua family would have brought back several memories when my Grandpa passed away in 1988. Up till today, I still remember the blank faces of my uncles and tearful looks of my aunties. There were some unforgettable incidents which happened as well and all of these, when I am only 8 or 9 years old. It is always painful to lose someone dear. However, the passing of my grandpa saw my grandma and uncles relocate our Chua base from a bungalow house to a hdb flat at Bukit Panjang. It would also signify that daily Sunday visits to my Grandpa house will no longer be as often. The loss of the leader of the family. For the twenty over years or so, it remained as that. We will only make about 2-3 visits and gatherings with my cousins will also be that minimal. However, no matter how little we met, I have always loved the occasion where our big family comes together. Its a sense of pride.
As with my grandma's passing, again we wondered will the gatherings even cease from now then, since there is no more sort of focal figure in the family. I hope not.

October then culminated in the reunion of Keith, together with his wife, Hae Young, with us. It was a very happy occasion to be able to see him after so many years. I am glad that he has started a family and is even more satisfied that he has held true to what he promised. He has been a true friend and one that I will cherish for many years to come. He has not bought me gold or silver; but the mutual acknowledgement between us goes far more than that. Although this trip was used more for a honeymoon trip to other places such as Thailand, it was indeed nice to be able to eat, laugh, play soccer, shop and chat about the good old days. It was satisfying to know that he has hardly changed;changes are perhaps that he has grown even more in roles that he play. It was a bit sad when he left for Korea, but feeling was very much different to the time he departed years ago. This time round, I knew that he has plans and he has certain responsibilities to fufil. I feel sad that a good friend will have to go , but at the same time I am filled with so much anticipation for him and his new family that the positive vibes far outweigh the negative ones this time round.

November and December were pretty straight forward months except for the health of our dear missus. It is a stark reminder that a person's health is so important. Being sick for weeks, there was nothing she can do even if a new IPAD was lying beside her. You can have the money but without health, there is nothing you can eat or enjoy. There is no greater emphasis on personal good health, thus my great wish for 2014 will be that every of my loved ones are blessed with good health the whole year. It seemed simple , isn't it? Wait till you see your loved ones sick for days. It felt painful;more for the fact that we can't do anything but to wait in support.I hate this feeling and as such, I hope and wish that no one should go through that either.

January , hopefully will be a honeymoon month while we settle ourselves and get ready for action after Chinese New Year.

See you again, Blog.
Mr USsenal