The USsenal Wedding

The ideal of The USsenal Wedding originated from our favourite soccer team. Nevertheless, our favourite team is definitely Arsenal FC.
Alot of my friends asked me :''Why 'USsenal' and not 'Arsenal', was it a typo error'?
Well, the US in 'USsenal Wedding' stands for the 'two of US' as well as 'Unique & Significant' - which represented the feelings towards our relationship throughout these years.

Most importantly, it represented the club that we both loved so much since our dating days.
Arsenal - always Unique & Significant to the both of US. Cheers (''.)

Friday, June 1, 2018

Thank you and Happy Birthday!

A tiny weeny period since the last time I wrote here. Time seems to be never on the right side when it matters most. When we were young, we lament a lot of things we cannot do due to our youth and when we are of age, we lament again a lot of things we cannot do due to lack of time etc. There is never a perfect time for everything but yet I believe that time is a perfect master of its own.

Yesterday marks the end of a long standing student care centre in Singapore, Fei Yue SCC. While it represents an end of a very long chapter in its own history, the closure has also inevitably opened several more new chapters for everyone closely associated with it, such as the children, parents and staff.

I have seen for myself amazing transformations made to children in the SCC and on behalf of these children of whom are perhaps too young to realise fully what they have amassed (and will miss) ,I would like to say a big Thank You to the teachers and aunties who have forsakened their time and strength to mould the children of tomorrow into a better person in our society. Everyone can be a trainer, but not everyone can be an educator where the relationship between children and teachers goes deeper.

I would also say a BIGGGG THANK YOU to Mrs Ussenal who has been the fore pillar of strength for the SCC and who has also been the big difference to so many children whose lives she had helped to change. I am thankful that God answered my prayers to lead her back to the SCC after a short hiatus in 2011. Also, at this time, the SCC had evolved to taking in special needs children and more needy children which ultimately changed the face of the SCC into a centre which is always ready to accept children no matter the challenge.

It is refreshing to see how the SCC has evolved in comparison to all the other primary school SCCs which have begun to mushroom all over the place in Singapore at the same time. I am not inclined to talk and comment about the operations of other SCCs today. Perhaps on another day when I think they deserve the time for me to dedicate a piece of writing to it.

Though it has been an emotional roller coaster at times, but time is always the best master of itself. I always believe a short break is useful when you have travelled on the road for a long time. It provides the opportunity to recalibrate one's ideas and also re - lay on what to do in the future. People like Arsene Wenger who have stayed in Arsenal for 22 years could probably go on forever but his stepping down from the position of manager at Arsenal, a club which he had totally rebuilt and evolved, represents an opportunity to try something else which he may be good at too, perhaps an international team manager? It seems so hard for him to accept himself the departure, but Im sure over the days and weeks, he will know if he had not taken the painful decision to step down at the right time, he would have experienced less in life. Some people are content to sit out the routines already when they reach 30+ years. But, his legacy remains and will remain with all the fans whom have grown up and had probably knew him as the only manager of Arsenal. Likewise, the lessons and care devoted will stay with the children even to the days when they grow up and become adults themselves.

Perhaps now will be a good time to sit and enjoy doing the things you like.

Take a break from the grind, clear your mind and enjoy some "me" time.

Happy birthday and  bountiful blessings be showered onto you for the next endeavor.

Mr Ussenal