The USsenal Wedding

The ideal of The USsenal Wedding originated from our favourite soccer team. Nevertheless, our favourite team is definitely Arsenal FC.
Alot of my friends asked me :''Why 'USsenal' and not 'Arsenal', was it a typo error'?
Well, the US in 'USsenal Wedding' stands for the 'two of US' as well as 'Unique & Significant' - which represented the feelings towards our relationship throughout these years.

Most importantly, it represented the club that we both loved so much since our dating days.
Arsenal - always Unique & Significant to the both of US. Cheers (''.)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Official 'SHIFTING' of USsenal Homeground Stadium

29th November 2011, 12pm marked the official 'SHIFTING' of USsenal Homeground Stadium from BB Blk 171 to our present new address at BB Blk 116. This year had passed by quickly and we are both really thankful that we didn't backed out of this deal of 116; else we would really be regretting now. ^^!!! A recap of the moments just before the Official 'SHIFTING'! (''.)

This wonderful 'SET UP' was definitely not done by us BUT by my beloved Mummy. hehe She is always full of funny yet cute ideas. hehe I should have recorded her way of 'BLESSING' my new Homeground then. Simply hilarious. hehe

Went to IKEA with my bro, JY to get some stuffs for the new house(few days prior to the shifting) and chance upon TJ's fav pet - The shark! However, it was in a different colour. I remembered getting him the grey one last year and now, we saw the same shark BUT in blue. Without hesitation, I decided to get it for him as a 'PRE-HOUSE-WARMING gift'! hahaha A BIG muacks to Jy, my bro for accompanying me. hehe Treated him to a simple lunch at IKEA...dessert are a MUST for him as a form of reward! haha ^^

(Lunch with JY)

To think of it, although, there was a shower on that eventful morning of the OFFICIAL shifting of our 'STADIUM'. However, just like what 狄兰 had said on her FB post to me... That shower was supposed to be a blessing from God to us;she named it 感恩雨!The shower only lasted a very short while. Soon enough, the bright sun shone brightly and somehow it seemed like it's indicating to us that it was time to move on to the NEXT new place full of SUNSHINE. Woohoo! (''.)

TJ & I woke up very very early on that morning. There were still 1-2 cartons more of stuffs to pack before we can move on to our new Homeground. Most importantly... HIS beloved USsenal's sharks!!! hehe I actually packed them both into my moving bags. haha They were squeezed like sardines, however not in a can but in a BAG! :p They looked so kolian lor. hehe :p

Weird enough, the feeling of leaving 171 doesn't make us feel nostalgic at all. Infact, we were both looking forward to our new place... the place we truly call 'OURS'. (''.) We set off for our new place after settling the misc. stuffs at 171. Shortly after, the movers from Highpoint reached our old rented unit and started to shift. The whole moving session took less than 4 hours and by 3.30pm, all our stuffs were almost shifted over to 116... ALL except our 'TRANSFORMER' fridge. hehe Our fridge was too big to enter thru the kitchen door. Oh Oh Oh! Just when both of us were panicking and wondering if we really have to buy a new fridge... One of the movers suggested removing the back handle of the fridge(a useless part attaching to the back of it) and true enough, the fridge was shifted in successfully into its rightful place.

Managed to take some pictures of the eventful day...Was so so so tired and even till today, already the third day after shifting in to our new 'STADIUM'...we still haven't unload all our cartons. Can u imagine us shifting almost 70cartons of stuffs from the old unit to here. Isn't that scary? OMG!!! (^o^) *woops*

These were taken minutes after we shifted into USsenal's new Homeground... Take a peep at our USsenal's room(taken around 8pm) hehe Not only have we 'released' the sharks from the bag but also onto our USsenal's bed. hehe They were the FIRST vistors of our room; the FIRST ones to lie on our bed. (''.)

After settling USsenal's bedroom, TJ decided to REWARD all of us after a long day of hard work. Unable to use the stove to cook, he went to dabao from the nearby coffeeshop. The most sumptuous meal after a long week of hardwork - Packing, Packing & more Packing prior to the moving... Now, it is TIME to enjoy, enjoy and enjoy after the SHIFTING! hehe

After having our dinner, I only had energy left for placing my Aussino mat onto the floor; just outside our own bedroom. We were both so shagged that sleep comes by easily.

It was the sweetest night of sleep we had...

Hope to upload more pictures; only after unpacking all our cartons. hehe Meanwhile, gonna sign off from here and goona tuck into my beloved USsenal's bed of USsenal. hehe

Good nitezzz (^.^)zZzz