13th June, Wednesday, 8.15am - Sunny & Bright Morning.
I arrived at the centre - greeted by loads of lovely & bright greetings from my lovely students.
I stepped into Room 2 and saw old faces, who were once students of our centre; seated in one comfy corner of the room.
The room was filled with laughter and happy exclamations from the children.
The smell of the delicious Fried Rice(prepared by Auntie Choo Khim) had filled up the happy spaces in our tiny centre too.
The rest of the children were all beaming with smiles; all ready to set off for their long awaited outing of the month - Singapore Zoological Zoo.
The room could hardly contains their happy emotions anymore... ...
9.00am sharp
We boarded the bus that would take us to the Zoo. The bus was FULL but it was definitely a happy sight to behold. hehe The children were singing and some were even making exclamations of the vehicles they saw on the highway; from inside of the bus.
This trip beholds a very special significance to me & the loads of people in the bus. The speed of the bus could hardly holds the thoughts running through my mind at the moment...
Flashes of memories... ... Happy happy ones... Valuable & Special ones... ... Memories that were accumulated over many many years of effort and hard work... ...
Firstly, My hubby; once taught by 狄兰老师, 30 years back during his Glory Church days, also went to the excursion with us. How meaningful it was, to be able to be with the teacher who once taught you in your younger days, to be out on an excursion, having a fun day together. (''.)
My hubby,TiJin with his younger days Teacher Vanessa |
My lovable brother, Jinyuan; always there for me; specially take time off his recently busy 'GOLD Farming' and joined us on this outing too.
My lovable Brother, JY |
It was nice been able to see their faces again, even after so many years. They definitely make up the best part of my days in Fei Yue SCC... I still remembered.. ...
The duo were even one of TJ's 'beloved pet' back then. His 'owned' Bear(Ah Jing) and his little Penguin(Ah Win). When we were in the Zoo earlier on, Ah Win was still talking about it. I wondered... How is our little Chubby Meow Cat doing? hehe
Simply cannot imagine that kiddos we once taught are now talking and chatting to us, as if they are our own peers. The feeling is simply indescribable and lovely!
Those were the days huh... ... The boys had grown so quickly that age doesn't seems to have caught up with our beloved 狄兰老师.
Teacher Vanessa with the duo; XJ & Ah Win |
The show, The Splash Safari @ the Shaw Foundation Amphitheatre. The kids were excited and you can imagine all of them rushing for the Wet Zone seats. How adorable that sight was! hehe We had an enjoyable time with the intelligent seal who entertained us with its swift moves and tricks.
Our next stop - Elephants @ Work & Play.
I was thrilled to be at this place as one of my fav. animals is Elephant. Though they looked humongous yet they could be such gentle and caring animals.
I even managed to catch one of the elephants doing its 'BIG' business. hahaha The scene was hilarious and it definitely gave the kiddos a good laugh.
After the interesting Elephant Show, we headed back to the Shaw Foundation Amphitheatre and caught how the Rainforest Fights back at the present industrious society.
Most hilarious of all, my little brother, JY was invited to go on-stage to challenge the famous Mr Orang Utan; Coconut Peeling Competition. Hahaha
The kiddos were all exhilarating with shouts and cheers. However, I am sure that you definitely could foresee the outcome huh. Do you really think my brother can win the Orang Utan? hehe *wink* It was a good time on-stage though. Kuddos bro. Muacksss ^^
After an interesting show & performance, we headed to the long awaited place that the children were excited to go - The Water Play. I could understand how badly they wanted to jump right into the centre of the Water Play's amenities - To get WET and to be COOLED down in such a HOT weather. The route to the Water Play venue was not too far but during the walk there, we managed to spot an Orang Utan high up on the top of the tree.
We even walked past the Penguin lodge. I always have a soft spot for cold places animals. Be it the Polar Bears, the Seals and especially the Penguins. They are always the LOVE of my interest. Not to mention, I am definitely a very 'Alaska' person too. I simply cannot survive without my beloved Aircon and snowy White is one of my fav. colour. Hmmm, I loved icy cold stuffs muchie and many many more.. ... Do you know all these stuffs about me? hehe *bleah*
We even saw few interesting animals that you guys might never have taken note of in the Zoo.
During the walk, I particularly loved a particular spot in the Zoo. Amidst the rowdiness of children & tourists walking by. This scenic spot gave me a sense of serenity. A spot that I would love to remember as being the best part of the Zoological Garden of Singapore.
We finally reached the Water Play.
Seeing the children jumping straight into the shots of water and their laughter were simply heard vividly everywhere. I couldn't help but felt that God had really provided me the best job in this world. To be able to bask myself into the joy & laughter of so many children, just to be happy when you knew that they are happy. What more can I ask for in return of my job's satisfaction!
I never forget to buy back at least one small item from the places that I visit with all these children.
This trip to the Zoological Garden, I was kinda sad that I wasn't able to catch a glimpse of the Polar bear that I hearts so muchie. However, I did managed to find one little Polar plushie instead. hehe
As for Mr USsenal, he was more than happy to be able to have a nice picture taken with his beloved White Tiger.
Look at his beaming smile! *wink*wink*
Children never fails to bring surprises' smiles onto anyone faces.
To me, they are the most lovely bunch of creatures' in this whole wide world.
May God bless my everyday with them and entrusting everyone and single one of them into Your BIG hands. Bless them with wisdom and joy with heaps of grace from You.
We find delight in the beauty and happiness of children that makes the heart too big for the body.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Cheers ^^