The USsenal Wedding

The ideal of The USsenal Wedding originated from our favourite soccer team. Nevertheless, our favourite team is definitely Arsenal FC.
Alot of my friends asked me :''Why 'USsenal' and not 'Arsenal', was it a typo error'?
Well, the US in 'USsenal Wedding' stands for the 'two of US' as well as 'Unique & Significant' - which represented the feelings towards our relationship throughout these years.

Most importantly, it represented the club that we both loved so much since our dating days.
Arsenal - always Unique & Significant to the both of US. Cheers (''.)

Monday, December 31, 2012

Half bloom with more to come in 2013

It is right at the end of the 2012, with barely a few hours to go before the skies goes all colourful with fire, smoke,cheers, aspirations and wishes to anticipate in 2013. While i am writing this, i am very sure of myself not to get distracted by the number of well wishes flooding in my Facebook/Iphone and the music ongoing below my block  for the past number of days. -___-

As the days come closer to the end of the current year, Facebook posts have seen a graudal increase of personal reflections of what have gone through for themselves in the year 2012. Be it goals, targets, wishes or somethings gone not too well, many have also laid down their new year resolutions. How many resoulutions do we make and meet them at the end of the year? How many people eventually just forget what is even resolution talking about?

I have seen posts like reflecting upon a good year in their career, family or the dream of visiting a particular country or place. It seems funny that in 2012, it hasn't been too difficult to remember some key events. Probably aided by the state of media technology and the ease in obtaining news and info, it is as easy to remember and to forget once the wind blew past.

I believe some people have been busy up to the dot on the last day of 2012 in their work. To some, there will be hard to find some closure on 31 December due to their nature of work. For example, the police. How do they find closure in themselves, to close off the current year, shove every thing to the back of their mind and start afresh in 2013? While some may have been fortunate to take long leave at the end of the year to 'refresh' themselves, what about some others who have not been able to, perhaps like me to find closure in 2012? What can I choose to post in Facebook? What can I talk about such that 2013 looks a good year to look forward to and not the next lame apocalpyse? There are indeed many things to talk about and it was a hard choice till I experienced someone in the coffeshop today.

As I sat down with Jing after ordering our food and was about to tuck in the hot sizzling food in the cold rain, my eyes or rather our eyes captured a scene. Picture this: an old but sturdy man, strong looking holding several heavy plastic bags. Looking very rugged and wearing dirty clothes. His eyes were transfixed on something.Finding. Searching. He was not looking high and low in the coffeeshop. He went straight and soon disappeared out of sight. Upon some revelation about the elderly we just saw, he was reputed to be a man who would not take any donations or money of kind. He had sons or rather a son.

While slowly enjoying the last plate of food in the coffeshop in 2012(and definitely continuing in 2013...), my mind began to unravel what may have been going on in this Mr Senior's mind as he walked. Does he even know what day is tomorrow? It pains me to see eldery who sleep in the streets or having to drag large pieces of cardboard. I don't even want to mention those who were abandoned. While I agree that perhaps some may argue that Mr Senior may have been a loafer in his younger days and now has to suffer the fruit, however, no eldery deserved to be without support or help especially when he is no more the same and able.Even a murderer deserved his three meals in the prison, don't they?

As I began to walk further into the mind of Mr Senior, will it matter if he knows what day is tomorrow? Perhaps he has been through several paths of disappointment such that tomorrow brings nothing but another day of burden to find means of supporting himself. To him, a new year may just represent another year of uncertainity and worry. It could be just another day..

It was a timely reminder to ourselves to treasure what we have around us. While it was and will never be a rosy path each year, we have to look at what really matters to us and count the success in it, be it small or so tiny. When results have not been good either in family, life or work, do not just shove it underneath and say'Hey 2013 will be better lah, no need scared'.  Do not be too harsh on yourself either. Work on it and continue the half good work into 2013 and judge yourself again then. Thus, to some a good year comes to a close. If not, dont' worry and put what was wrong in 2012, right in 2013 and I am very sure you will be reading this blog entry again on 31 December 2013 and smile to yourself.  Give yourself a pat  then because you deserved it.