The USsenal Wedding

The ideal of The USsenal Wedding originated from our favourite soccer team. Nevertheless, our favourite team is definitely Arsenal FC.
Alot of my friends asked me :''Why 'USsenal' and not 'Arsenal', was it a typo error'?
Well, the US in 'USsenal Wedding' stands for the 'two of US' as well as 'Unique & Significant' - which represented the feelings towards our relationship throughout these years.

Most importantly, it represented the club that we both loved so much since our dating days.
Arsenal - always Unique & Significant to the both of US. Cheers (''.)

Monday, June 3, 2013

A hectic month of May has whizzed by and ended with a trip to the hospital for the missus due to a prolonged period of nose bleeding due to hypertension. It was a nervy time waiting for doctor's conclusion and diagnosis in the consultation area of the A& E of the National University Hospital on a cold and rainy evening on Friday.

By being asked to wait outside had given a bit of reprieve; time to catch up on some lost sleep the night before. However, the time taken to rest soon turned into time of eagerness as well. Longer time i had rested = longer time of anticipation on what's going on or going to happen inside the treatment room where Karen has been told to lay down.

May had started off with a bang , with the news that a tender has been awarded to FY and that the new scc should begin operations on 17 June 2013. A lot of things to be done but amid lack of logisitics and manpower support, tension began to build, spiralling the previously tranquil and direct lifestyle of ours into unfamilar settings. Karen was often busy and messages will often go unanswered till hours later occasionally. She also slept earlier which meant we couldn't enjoy the movies/tv shows together and i will have to turn in early as a result as well.

However, Karen began to have nosebleeds a week ago, which was probably a timely signal of red warning which then culiminated in a night of non stop on/off bleeding which last till the early morning the next day. It was a wake up call type of shock; we did not expect the relapse to get so bad since a visit to the clinic was just a week ago. However, the relapses just after 2 days should have gotten us on the alert that her blood pressure is still dangerously high.

Immediately, changes were discussed and made. No more night suppers and late nights except for weekends. Even though, it should not be mandatory that nights must be served late every friday and saturday. It's just the licsense to sleep late , but not a necessity to sleep late. Diet changes and as well as watching one's own tension in work and life. seen a doctor, made diet changes,life style changes and the rest is really up to the individual.

Such an incident has also shed light of how good health is important. If your body is in poor shape without any proper care, what good will it do even if you worked your socks off  only to be laid off to rest for an even longer period of time? I believe in hard work, but i never believe in working with eyes blindfolded.  I am responsible to my work, but I think i should be more accountable to the people who have loved and cared for me.Should'nt I also pay heed to the people who love me such that I will not cause them pain and worry also? Work is work and there is never a finishing line.

Such an incident has really taught me lessons. In a way,. I have also been performing below par especially in terms of concentration. Hopefully with a lifestyle change, it would also help in work and at the same time ensure a healthier body too.

 In all, I can't complain too much as May then ended with a nice mini celebration of Karen's birthday and coupled with a full 2 day weekend rest, it is time to face June where there will be another time of breakaway with a trip to Thailand and my reservist swansong.The rest of the months will just get better as it should as normal, when the year gets into the halfway line and all dust will have settled.

Stay cool, healthy happy and relaxed.No amount of job satisfaction can equal what you feel when you really relax and let go..