The USsenal Wedding

The ideal of The USsenal Wedding originated from our favourite soccer team. Nevertheless, our favourite team is definitely Arsenal FC.
Alot of my friends asked me :''Why 'USsenal' and not 'Arsenal', was it a typo error'?
Well, the US in 'USsenal Wedding' stands for the 'two of US' as well as 'Unique & Significant' - which represented the feelings towards our relationship throughout these years.

Most importantly, it represented the club that we both loved so much since our dating days.
Arsenal - always Unique & Significant to the both of US. Cheers (''.)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

What is life?

What is Life?

It is perhaps one of the shortest words ever but yet the word to mean the start of a being's time on Earth till the end of it.

When i was young, there was a period of time I kept asking myself who am I and what am I? What am I doing here? I understand life at that moment but could not further fathom why then do we need to go through so much hardship just to enjoy the good of it? I could not get to peace with myself until one day I heard my teacher in church explaining that there are always times we do not understand God's reasoning just like small insects like ants understanding us human. Its beyond us and no matter how we try , we will never understand why for certain things when we use our understanding to try and use it on God. We are not God and we will never understand , perhaps until the day we meet him again. For that, it managed to put me in peace for a while.

Our time on Earth is indeed short and time flies so fast.There are some stuff that do not wait for us. Can you still play soccer when you are 60 years old? The game you loved since a kid , it doesnt go away with age. No matter how humans age, the inside never change. Its only the shell that change. We love it when we were 10 we love it when we are 60. However, how many team mates will still be around then? Coupled with long working hours and heavy family commitments, gatherings like kickabouts have such an unpredictability that nobody knows exactly when it ends. When we go ktv, we always want to snatch the mic and be the one to sing most of the songs. When we take a step back to ponder: How often do we get to listen to our friend's voices compared to our own? Will I still get to hear my good friends belt out their favourite songs as often as before as time passes?

Today I was out trying to find one of my evil boss's facebook profile and see if it can be found. As it was not the first time trying to track her,  I was not too disappointed as there weren't any success before.However, tonight ,coupled with some keyboard malfunctioning, i clicked onto a total stranger from Africa with about half the same name of who i was trying to find.

I started to browse the individual and very soon realised that the person has passed away a couple of months back. There were sad posts on the facebook wall and I started to browse further. The person was a young lady and it looked like she was sick for only a short while before she passed on. I read further and realised that she was a God loving person and was simple and cheerful most of the time. It's a bit unusual to take that there were original posts from the person just half the page below and on top were all posts written by her dear friends who missed her since. Did she had any regrets? Did she manage to fufil what she want to do most?

Life is uncertain. Today, a beggar may end up being the richest man on earth one day. Vice versa, a rich man today may be tomorrow's bankrupt.  What is most important that we live to the fullest such that when we turn back, we wont regret.

I once read a book and there was an interesting quote.

Two friends walked past a beggar on the street . One of them was kind and gave him $20. They walked on and the same man then saw a pregnant lady with a child and helped them load up a taxi. Following on, they then encountered an old lady who was carrying heavy carton boxes. The helpful one again lent his hand to the old lady and perspired all over by the time he had finished helping the old lady. The friend asked the man: " Why are you so helpful? THere are so many people out there who need help. You can't possibly help then all?"

The man replied:" Yes, i can't possibly help all. However, I shall only pass by this way once. Any good that I can do or any kindness i can show to any human being;let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect; for I shall not pass this way again.

Well, this story is not to teach us to lie on the road and let every one flatten us. But sometimes we go on our lives too quickly to take enough notice on these little things which are actually meaningful.

Remember, a life is only a word and its always in singular. We dont live twice.

Good night.