Time after a trip always seem slow as we resume the norm:
work, sleep, problems, solutions and so on. While the reality sets in, we would
also take pleasure in slowly inserting and planning happy events along the way
and sometimes before you know it, the next trip beckons on the calendar.
Maybe I seldom travel to other countries and seldom fly. But
I really do treasure everything single thing of a trip. From the discussion of
the trip, booking of accommodation and air tickets, reading the hotel website
for fun again and again the packing of luggage and especially the night before.
I would be so excited and browse through all the nice places I can find on the
net regarding the destination even though I know I wouldn’t really go certain
places. =) It’s the anticipation, the thrill of waiting for the day to arrive
that makes the weeks or months of waiting so endurable and happy. It’s really
akin to milking the cow dry isn’t it? =D
On another front, its back to school after nearly ten years
since I last schooled in the same place as the other national athletes like
table tennis start Jing Junhong, our own soccer Lions like Alam Shah, Lionel
Lewis and the legendary Subranmani and Rezal Hassan. Studying law is really a
different challenge to the business modules I have taken back then. There is so
much to read and read and at the same time to analyze many things. Law is
necessary and it would be an advantage to be learned in it. Though said, sacrificial changes were
necessary to go back to school.
It is Thursday and normally I am happy as weekend draws
near. However, as the Missus has been unwell for a week plus with flu, it has
dulled the household a lot. Not even the colours of my bettas could do
much. Hope the sunflowers will drive
away the gloom and bring bloom to the house soon enough.
Mr Ussenal