It’s been some time since I
have last written. Preferably, I would
like to pen down as much stuff as I would like. However, the inner ‘author’
inside me still prefers to write when there is a mood. It gets a bit edgy when
I try to balance between the 2 as time waits for no man and its always
frustrating when you finally have the feel and time to write, but can no longer
remember certain details.
Though said, I prefer to see
it as a sort of filter I guess. Eventually if it has to come out from my fingers,
it would.
Fast forward from the last
entry, we are entering Autumn. A time where Mooncake Festival comes and goes
and often very quickly, Christmas and the end of 2016 looms. It’s always the
same story isn’t it? However, as each year passes, I feel further and further
away from what I perceive as the ideal world. Everyday news reports will be
filled with so much negativity that I wondered to myself at times if it is due
to how a human looks at things as he age. Perhaps this is how the world has been
all along, its just that the birth of social media has allowed us to be exposed
24/7 to such and hence, the pent up feeling of what had happened to humanity?
September so far has been a
month of many happy events. Weddings, births of new born and a cooling weather
has made it a nice entry into autumn period. Autumn is a period where trees and
animals start to prepare for the cold winter ahead. Trees will start to withdraw their chlorophyll,
shake the leaves off and will only start to grow their mane again in spring.
Migratory birds start to plan for the long flight and some animals start to
stock up on food and prepare to hibernate throughout the cold period coming.
We humans are no different.
Plans for the new year are started to be drawn. New year resolutions, new
plans, new objectives and so on. Lives
move on and new lives appear.
Recently, we attended the marriage of Macy and Jiahan at Segamat in
Malaysia. Long time we spoke about, joked about it but sure that we would
attend the wedding dinner. It was a fun ride to sit on the 6 seater car on the
3 hr ride. While the countryside of Johor doesn’t offer much to look around, it
was a good respite from the busy schedule of class, exams and tuition over the
past couple of weeks.
We were checked into a homestay when we reached. It was comfortable and
gives a different feel away from the normal hotels. Sleep was comfortable and
while there wasn’t much to shop around in Segamat, I was happy enough to ‘jalan’
around Segamat Mall and then attend the dinner. It was great to see Macy
finally in a wedding dress and getting married to a person whom I feel can
complement and be someone dependable for her. While there were always the rough
ride at times, but marriage isn’t really about finding the right one. It’s to
become the right one. With the wedding, it completes a brand new chapter of
Macy’s life upon returning to Malaysia and of course the start of another
chapter beckoning soon.
In a couple of
weeks more, my new school term will start. It has been a fascinating time albeit
tired while travelling to Tampines 3 times a week. The education has been
fruitful, challenging and satisfying and I hope for good news during the
results announcement.
A picture of the
newly weds!