It has been a while since something was posted here. As busy as a bee, I often fathom between using spare time to type my assignments or to kill some zombies. As I have often said and written here, I write based on my mood and am not too keen on making sure my written piece is grammatically correct all time. I normally end when my feeling of expression ends as well and of course, wouldn't be more bothered about what shouldn't have been said or written.
It was not a K drama that got be back to be talking about the trip to Korea but rather a video montage of our wedding - can't get tired of it. The music, moments captured at the right times just always manage to tug at the heart strings no matter what. It then brought me backwards slightly the last time i felt the same; when we departed Incheon Airport reluctantly , saying goodbyes to Keith and Ha Young.
It was a memorable good 11 days spent there, the farthest both of us have been away from Singapore. Apart from the torrid time on a midnight flight with the always injury prone nose, everything was fine. I thank God for a very wonderful, peaceful and memorable period there.
It was also the first time I saw my breath when it was 3 Degrees cold, just like in the tv shows.
From the roads of Incheon Aiport and the cold air that greeted me;
The long and beautiful roads of autumn trees in its stubbornest show of colours before they fade;
The many crosses that lined up in Seoul at night;
The friendliness and distinct quietness of the Korean people;
Outstanding subway stations which are all linked underground;
Exhilarating Gyeongbokgung Palace where all the dramas we have watched are right before our eyes. "CHONAAAAAA"....
Beautiful posters of ex idol Kim Tae Hee and current tv favourite Kim So Hyun..
All the nice short shops that line up in all of Korea;
Refined plastic beauties;
Betta shops - a few;
Hard Rock Cafe Seoul -Outstanding service and entertainment. Could be more fun if we had visited on a weekend i suppose;
Fantastic apartment of Keith and Ha Yong. Very new apartment with several pieces of high tech equipment and real lizards and plants... haha;
Sun and Shine - two lovely dogs which sort of fulfilled and complete part of my childhood which was left hanging in mid air when I was 6 or 7 and had to return a pup which was with me for a few months. I saw him again when he was a big dog and I knew it was him when he came to smell my hand and stuck near to the gate, refusing to leave. I guess he must be in Heaven and perhaps one day I shall see him again;
Fantastic Food-- porridge, bibimap, bbq pork, beef noodles in cold pear broth, superb home cook steaks, endless kimchi;
Countless facial shops;
Scoring 2 goals against the Koreans in a futsal 9a side game. Amazed by their warmup routines, wearing full training kit in the cold and superb pitch. Throw in a tactical board and there is such a big difference in how they run their Sunday football compared to ours. Singapore national team hasn't scored more than 1 goal in all matches for a year where i scored 2 (including one 30 m lob) against the South Koreans who were 4th in the 2002 World Cup. Go and figure out FAS, success in Sg football is only possible when you can include the missing 70% in your talent scouting;
And of course, To Jun and his toy trucks!
All in all, good times always fly past fast because they are all on a wheel.