As the clock struck 12pm, the chimes from the Church ringing at the backdrop of Bukit Batok St. 11 served encouragement as we embark on the start of the middle of the year.
Certain sounds play a part in my growing up. Just like how songs affect a person's mood and recall certain memories, sounds do the same for me.
When I was young, as young as a 9-year-old, I would spend time just lying on my parents' bed and just listening to the sound of aeroplanes flying past on top. There was a beer factory opposite where I used to stay, which was then converted to a Condo and named aptly as The Anchorage. It always had the sound of a certain insect, which you would normally hear in the trees especially on a hot day.
These sounds would sometimes combine with the piano or violin sound the neighbours staying on top would play, seemingly creating a mini symphony of sorts. It would bring peace to my young and free mind and make me fall asleep easily when I was mostly bored.
When I was serving NS, we have had to spend days outfield. In the 12 years of NS and reservist duties, the same sounds that I loved to hear when I was young accompanied me well.
Likewise, the chimes that I hear every 1st day of the month would bring a soothing 5 seconds peace and also an encouragement that whatever's gone bad the previous month has passed. A new month beckons and time to continue working hard to put another's month worth in the bag.
However, this year has been different. We have seen the impact of what Covid-19 has done to the lives of many. It has been unfair and sad and especially for people who may have lost their businesses, career plans and loved ones to the disease.
Many people are worried about what things will be like in the near future, be it a vaccine is found or not. Perhaps a lesser worried if a vaccine is found, but no doubt that lives will change from henceforth.
However, it is equally important not to be overdrawn on that matter. Of course, we find for the first time in this generation, that we have had to live more responsibly. It has been a given that we were very fortunate to have avoided being born in the World War era. We felt for too long that life will be rosy and we would just occupy ourselves with the daily problems which come and go.
The Covid19 may go on to be an everlasting issue that humans will have to learn to live with, be it a vaccine is found or not. There may be worse viruses coming out which we will have no idea how to grapple with in future.
Thus, it is important that we have to remain focused on our purpose - which is to live.
When we look back in history, there have been many life-changing events such as World War 1 and 2, various dangerous diseases outbreak. If you go even further back in time, to dynasties even, where the people living then would have faced even more situations where they have hardly any room to negotiate the living terms. Do they back then, have a chance to ask why is this happening?
However, I am confident that God has plans for everything. I'm sure many Christians or other faiths may be questioning themselves why has God allowed this to happen, to bring upon hundreds of thousands of deaths and it still appears far from over. It is easy to lose faith but hold my beer. The Lord often has plans of His own and all He ever requires from us is just faith. We see Churches closed and only able to bring sermons online and I believe that He has a plan though at the end how to manage the situation. We, as humans are perhaps just not at that level of thinking to comprehend whatever is going on and will go on.
Today is Mrs Ussenal's birthday. This is the first time perhaps that we will celebrate it at home. Not a bad idea exactly. As I write, gifts of food and cakes have been delivered to our doorstep non-stop, delivering to us love and best wishes from friends living far apart from us.
Events such as Covid19 are no doubt threatening to the existence of the human race, but more often than not, humans have often proved adaptative and armed with technology, we will come out tops provided we are united. As in the Bible times, I believe the tower to God may be completed had God not intercepted.
Let's hope that the lifting of the Circuit Breaker represents the start of more good things to come not only for Singapore but also for the rest of the world.