Once more, 16th July 2021 has come and past us by. In what was the tenth anniversary of this blog as well as our marriage, and of course my birthday, things were kept simple expectedly.
Covid19 has robbed us not only of our opportunity and rights as a human being, but also triggered the start of what we call as the opening of the memories book.
Things do not become a memory until the thing ceases; if not, we often look forward to re-creating the experience by re-doing the same favoured thing or re-visiting the same place again and again. Once we stopped by choice or by force, it becomes a memory.
News everyday would be the same. No. of cases in different countries, floods, disasters, murders... you name it, the world's got it. From feeling optimistic last year to feeling really despondent if planet Earth has got what it takes to walk out of this mess; and if we do, at what amount of damage are we talking about?
Covid19 has not only attacked the hosts it clings onto. It has also indirectly affected livelihoods, aspiring futures of people, weddings, employment. Businesses are wondering what is next to come and how do they go on from here. Students are tired and everyone is tired. I look at the senior folks and they are tired too. They can't travel and can only stay cooped up in their homes for long. What's next ?
Covid19 has come out to inflict extremely mortal damage. It looks like it is never ending.
However, that is because we are in the thick midst of this tornado which just isn't about to stop yet.
When we are in the thick of it, its difficult to see what could look like from the outside. Perhaps the storm is clearing, just that we can't see from where we are. Positive thinking? Perhaps.
On a brighter note, 10 years of ups and downs and I still see it as an unpolished diamond. In life, its not just about what we do when we are happy but also what we do together when we are sad. We look forward to happy moments of course, such as going to Bangkok but also learn what is like to be able to support each other when times are bad.
Till to the next time again, blog.
Mr Ussenal