The USsenal Wedding

The ideal of The USsenal Wedding originated from our favourite soccer team. Nevertheless, our favourite team is definitely Arsenal FC.
Alot of my friends asked me :''Why 'USsenal' and not 'Arsenal', was it a typo error'?
Well, the US in 'USsenal Wedding' stands for the 'two of US' as well as 'Unique & Significant' - which represented the feelings towards our relationship throughout these years.

Most importantly, it represented the club that we both loved so much since our dating days.
Arsenal - always Unique & Significant to the both of US. Cheers (''.)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

BIG HUG for Uncle Swee Fatt & Aunt Lay

A BIG BIG THANKS to Uncle Swee Fatt & Aunt Lay for helping us on our big day. Uncle Swee Fatt was simply fabulous. He took great care to make sure tt our pair of Arsenal theme bears were in good shape. The meticulous care he gave to the bear was superb(thou they aint even real living things). He even specially sent his car for polish so tt it would look good as our bridal car, on our BIG day.

I still remembered I received a call from my FIL on the eve of the wedding, saying tt Uncle Swee Fatt was thinking of bringing the bridal shop's staff back to his house, then will get her to tie the bears at his sheltered carpark. As it was drizzling then, he was so worried that the pair of bears will get wet.After tying the bears, then he will use his son's car to send the staff bk to AMK. hehe U can imagine how thoughtful he was! (''.)

How can we ever find such a nice uncle, helping us all the way not only as our eventful day driver BUT also taking care of all minor issues; making sure all turns out well on the journey to n forth on our BIG day.

Not forgetting Aunt Lay, she is also the next person tt we both couldn't miss saying THANK YOU to. She was the person to send up the oranges and cakes on our wedding day. Having to endure the gate-crashing session was indeed the toughest thing of the day. Despite the fact tt she couldn't stand for a long period of time(due to her leg's old injury), she simply ignored her own issues and stood there, beside the brothers, smiling in the most love smile you could ever find; while the brothers were having the gate-crashing session which actually lasted about an hr.

Hereby attached r the pixs of the lovely Uncle & Aunt who made our wedding more memorable... ...

Cheers (''.)