This picture was
chosen not because today is the late Mr LKY’s death anniversary nor the
anniversary where I had officially MR from Army. It was simply chosen because my wife loves to
peer out of the window whenever she travels on planes and although I can’t
really guess what she would like to see but I know that she would similarly
have a wide grin and happy look if she sees this for real which of course would
not happen.
While I have not
had much fun with balloons when I was young, I liked the feeling of carrying
the ones filled with helium gas, where they will stand upright. I remembered
that I would hold on to the strings tightly and wouldn’t let go no matter what.
Looks funny now but back then, it would be a horror if I let it slip away and
let the balloon escape to the sky. I have seen a few occasions where the child
looks dumbstruck after letting it go accidentally and I wouldn’t want to be
like that. I treasure what I have and perhaps seeing something important going
away from my grasp is something I find it very hard to accept from a very young
But well, a long
weekend beckons and the ladies are having an exam tomorrow!. Let the balloons
give them a lift!
give them a lift!