And so, the exam
for the ladies passed by just like that. Days of hard preparation and eagerness
dissipated with the last ring of 5pm that day. A good dinner at COCA was
followed by a movie of the Passion of the Christ since it was Good Friday the next
day and always I felt perhaps a visual to remind us of the sacrifice that Jesus
went through so as to bridge us, man to Father.
Friday was also
another fun filled day. While we didn’t manage to get into the Futureworld
exhibit due to the phenomenal crowd and the ‘generosity’ of the Art Science
Management to give a 1 for 1 offer, we had our fun dining at the DC Heroes
Restaurant. A real restaurant and it just sort of gives me the Dean and Sam
type of restaurant u see at times in their shows. The food was nice but the
drinks not only look avant-garde but taste nice too. Nevertheless, the one
behind to bring this to the Lion City is after all, Chef Eric, one of our own
home bred celebrity chef.
Dinner was quickly
followed by a visit to the I-Lights, which in my view was pathetic. There was
nothing much to view although a big crowded could be seen jostling and walking
towards the Winged area. Hardly any specimens caught my eye and even if they
do, it was probably to look towards some source of light in the Mordor like
surroundings of the area where there was insufficient lighting in a place where
all sorts of activities roam around. People with prams, narcissist joggers,
cyclists pedestrians.. Times are like these when you wished you were an Edward
Cullen or Voldermort to bite or kerdava those obstacles into obscurity.
The much anticipated
Batman vs Superman didn’t get good reviews. Sometimes, even before the story
unfolds, you would know whether this actor can pull the act off. You would know
if Christian Bale was suitable to be the Dark Knight or Edward Cullen. Why are
there many stereo typed actors these days? Because not every actor can look
good in any roles.. Try putting Edward Cullen as Iron Man. I think you will get
constipation from over-iron just by seeing Bella kissing Iron Man..
While it probably
appears that we ain’t going to the movies for this show, but was glad that the
DC Heroes restaurant trip was fun and enriching.