In Life, we often pick up lessons unknowingly and very most of the times,
only learn after a painful process, of which at certain times, regret when
changes were not reversible. How do we, humans then lament that life is as
Today, I had made the short trip down to a place not too far from my
office to get some stuff. After crossing the road, I will always come to a big
tree and there would be an old man, about in his 60s and about the age of my
father selling tissue paper.
There has been the occasional urge to give something but often, I would
just ignore and felt that these people should have approach the relevant places
for help and just continue to walk to get my lunch. I would also do the guilty
act of telling myself there is always next time.
Today, it was the same. As usual, I was waiting to cross the road.
However, this time, I felt that the uncle was really working hard and trying
his best to peddle the tissue paper. Strings of people would ignore him but
still managed to see 1 kind soul who gave him $5 and refused to take the tissue
The though of doing something the same struck me but again, it was
swiftly dispelled when the uncle gave me a protective look, wondering if I am
some officer to ask him to go. I felt for a while then that maybe this uncle is
an evil guy at home, probably did some bad stuff when he was young and got abandoned
and there is no one to blame but himself. Self consolation to justify my own
self. Moreover, I had some beef to grind ahead as I was going back to the
clinic to meet face to face with the receptionist who had cleverly pulled down
the shutters halfway and caused me to have hit it as hard as a baseball bat
when I last left the place.
It was a super hot day and my perspiration was dripping non stop even at
the ATM. Quickly, money was drawn and I was on my way back to the office, where
my beautiful lunch was waiting (ordered in). Again, I came to a rest at the
road side while waiting to cross the road. I could not help but look at the old
man in pity; he was counting his earnings, cents by cents and coin by coin. He
recounted a couple more times before I crossed the road as other colleagues had
bumped into me and asked me to cross the road together.
I took a glance at the uncle and he was back peddling more tissue papers
once more. Thoughts rained through my mind at this instant.
I then came to a realisation that despite any shortcomings a person may
have or crimes that he had done before, sometimes all a person could ask for is
3 simple meals, a shelter and peaceful days to pass. One does not need to eat
good food all the time, taste healthy birds nest or even have a membership at
the gym or even go travelling to have a so-called enjoyable life. For all the
throngs of people who walked past the old man, what were they thinking of? The
next holiday? The next date with the girlfriend? The beautiful handbag that has
just been purchased? It seemed that the old man was just an occasional
irritating fly that had just landed at the edge of your table which you can’t
stand the sight of, anyway.
What was the old man’s history, no one will know. However, seeing him
counting his coins makes one wonder if he has any money to see a doctor when he
is sick. Even in Singapore, there are people who live from hand to mouth on a
weekly basis. What about his family? Where are they? Is the old man living
alone? Does he have a sickly old wife to take care too? Does he have the luxury
to be sick even? Does he have a child who may be disabled?
While selling tissue papers may look easily profitable as one would
argue, will anyone want to sit under the hot sun and peddle tissue papers for a
living? Was there an underlying health condition that he is not able to work a
proper job?
At the end of the day, all he may want is just a simple day where he can
earn his keep honestly and not go hungry. Everyone has certain criteria to what
makes their day worthwhile. Some may look at money earned, new cards and a
beautiful house. To some, it may just be the chance to mingle with loved ones
or just a peaceful day to get by. People like the old man toil so hard so that
they can walk one step closer to see their life be complete. Yes, there are
relevant help available given by the government. However, do we even need the
government to teach us humanity? Social
workers are there to help the unfortunate ones to plug the hole, mend it and so
that they can continue to be on the way. However, one does not need to be a
social worker to help people.
At the end, I went back to office, took some extra cash and bought him ice
bottled water. and gave the old man $5/. He was reluctant at first but his face
full of gratefulness convinced me that it was definitely not a waste of time. Why
procrastinate when we could help someone take another step in making their
lives complete.
Sometimes, there may not be ‘another time’.