Unprecedented. This word has been the most overused word this year I would say. As many would know, it is unprecedented that it has to become law to wear masks whenever out of our homes. It is also unprecedented that Christmas will be spent with no more than extra 5 visitors and eat with no more than 5 at each table. The list could still go on such as no party, no bonus, no increment, and so on...
It could become an easy word to misuse and treat it as an excuse for everything else. Covid, unprecedented, so what's there to celebrate? What is there to be happy about? It's unprecedented! So, let's just suck it up and let our heads bow down until such time when we can truly be happy, to be happy.
However, should we really allow that to happen?
What has happened, has happened. What will happen, nobody knows or can predict what will happen. I learnt a quote from the past. " Do not let what you cannot do affect what you can do."
Borrowing another famous quote from "Dumbledore: Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
We can be shrouded in sadness or allow it to overtake us. However, all we need is to remember to turn on the light. Even a speck of light will render a room of darkness weak.
The year 2020 has taught me a serious lesson. Often, I would always bear as much as possible and just strive to work it out until the next time I have a proper break, say a holiday in Thailand. I would work or just put behind whatever bad there was and feel consoled that my big break is coming. Anything else can wait.
End of the year 2019 was bad. Bad news and more bad news. I looked forward to the BKK trip in Jan and absorbed all other bad news and pushed it to the back of my mind.
Start of the year 2020 was equally challenging the way 2019 ended. I was overwhelmed at a certain point and just then Covid struck. The circuit breakers, the fast and furious manner in which the entire world struggled to cope with and adjust to the perils of the dangerous virus was just too much I thought. I had no escape this time. I had no chance to run to Batam or Bangkok to hide away. I had to take on challenges face on and by the horns.
I learnt how not to stash away fears and run to my comfort zone and wait for the tide to go. I learnt that it is no big deal for the year to must end on a best high or that every year must have a good ending for it to be good. I learnt that life is full of ups and downs and one cannot possibly wait for the tide to be up in order to be happy and strong mentally. I learnt that problems can come and go easily; happiness can go and also return easily.
As such, Christmas is perhaps an important time to remember all these. Even when we are in self-despair, think about those who are in situations worse off.
This year's present for the Missus is special. Need to keep up with the times, thus went shopping around and again, another HP merchandise to add to the collection of HP.
The Deathly Hallows. To some, it presents some occult. To me, it just meant one thing. Its the most powerful symbol in the whole of HP(correct me if I'm wrong) that when in possession together, it makes the person the most powerful wizard ever. Ok, not trying to be foolish here, but its a gift to for a good year ahead to beat the challenges and come out victorious every time. The time turner charm was nice, but albeit too big I feel.
However, most importantly, it is a time for families to get together. Despite having only 5 visitors at any time, it was good to see loved ones having a good time together after what has been a really difficult year for anyone.
Nice food, nice companionship and drinks.
Merry Christmas and I'm sure by this time next year, it will be better than now.
Mr Ussenal.