Life was already difficult to some pre pandemic and made worse with the onset of this long lasting disease. Jobs lost, businesses closed down, dreams ended up in smoke, families separated and some not even having the chance of saying goodbye. It seemed like a punishment meted out to us humans which seemed to hard to bear. But I always keep the faith that none of this is from God and although I cannot understand why this has to happen, I get that with humans around, there are always some sort of destruction happening.
Moving on to some brighter stuff, many people have since then adopted and adapted to find things to do which makes them happy and occupied. Working from home has changed the dynamics of the workplace 180 degrees and while some may embrace them due to the nature of their work, I'm not much of an agreement that work can be done in a sanctuary we call home. I can workout like the Rock at home with the same gym equipment and so, but does it beat working out at the gym with the fellow gym mate, sweating it our and getting motivated by the commandosque training which the instructor is blaring out?
Certain things cannot be replaced with technology but this ain't a GP paper about that.
Certain things cannot be replaced with technology but this ain't a GP paper about that.
Ok, finally moving on to the brighter stuff.
Bettas, or what people used or are still calling today: Fighting fish. I have been keeping them actively since 2002 after I sent my flowerhorn to a local show and was attracted to the bettas on display.
I was intrigued by the the different colours and forms they enjoy and kept in separate tanks each.
I remembered that I had kept 2 bettas in a honey jar when I was young and they died.
I caught on a name card Kelson Betta and wondered how beautiful his fishes were. Long story short...Mrs Ussenal and I made good friends with the owner Kelson and his shop is always the top place to visit, regardless of the fishes on sale. I have had great success with Kelson in the past when I was active in competitions and many of my top prizes were sourced from him. However, his shop always gives a serene feel and adding on the nice fishes on display, makes it a nice experience overall, be it purchasing fishes or just having window shopping.
To date, the shop has been operating for near 20 years? Long may it continue to serve the local community and encourage fish keeping among the youth so that they realise that other than games, keeping a pet fish can do so much for their studies and social growth.