Once more, quite some stuff have happened since the last update.
Trying my best to remember them in chronological manner:
1. Arsenal nearly finishing the top 4 in 2021 to 2022.
2. Resumed weekly futsal. Missed only 1 game since government relaxed the rules totally from May 2022?
3. Resumed back the crazy game GTA 5 PC mode
4. Bought a new laptop after 10 years.
5. Departure of several colleagues, some not too bad some I dont know well
6. Sang ktv at home
7. Realised I couldnt sing as well as I would have liked
8. Doing social work at ARC Children's Centre
9. Parents getting Covid and going through the ordeal of 9 days
10. Michael be turning 3 in Oct 2022
11. We got our team's BBQ session back on track again. Incidentally, it was fixed back in July , the same date as our very first bbq nearly 10 years ago
12. I still love Chopin
13. Forgetting Im turning 43 and tried to play 3 futsal games in 8 days
14. BTO block finally about to be completed
Although it is easily seen from the above list that travelling isn't there, I have practically no regrets. It's nice to travel but after a few years in our own backyard, somehow the urge to travel has died off and I have grown used to the routine or no longer bound by the " I need to travel to re-charge ok" mantra.
I have grown to be grateful for the the little things I have and are still having. In every family and life, there are problems, no doubt. But there underlies also things that we have that we can be happy about as long as we look for it.
In today's messy world dominated by stuff such as:
1. Weekly shooting kills in USA
2. Mindless war
3. Increased protectionism
3. Increased insecurity
4. More virus ie, Monkey pox
5. Inflation
6. Size of chicken drumstick now smaller than my hand sanatiser
7. Clients' representatives who are still acting like 20 years ago thinking that the world world owes them a living
8. Journalists saying that its okay for children to draw the wall
9. what else.
20 years ago, I remembered the world being friendlier and life was easier as a young adult. Another 20 years from today, things will get even more drastic no matter how optimistic we try. It's kinda scary when I be in my sixties then and I wonder what's in store for us old folks then.
Anyway, July is always a good month, with the new launch of Arsenal's jersey and of course our anniversary and also some birthdays. Its slightly dreary these days when its another year and another year.
Well, to the next time again. Song playing on Youtube (Kiss the Rain, Dont know how the autoplay went) is just too melancholy to continue writing. A curse or gift?
Mr Ussenal.